Why I Have Changed My Stance On Vaccines.

I know that I have not kept up my blog and there are many reasons for that, which hopefully I will write about later. I will just say that the last 6 months or so have not been kind to me, ergo this post.

When I had kids I wanted to make all of the right decisions, be informed and do the right thing. When it came to vaccinations, I originally went with the flow. Then our eldest son started having some issues and I started questioning the validity of everyone being required to get vaccinated. I want to point out that I am not talking about some of the newer vaccines, but the ones that all babies, toddlers and children are required to get, especially in order to go to school.  Even though I still got my children vaccinated when I had doubts I was still on the fence about requiring everyone to get the vaccines.

So yes, I have been “on the fence” about everyone being required to get vaccinated.

May I remind you that I just said that the last 6 months have been very hard on me?

There are some diseases that in our country and other first world countries have been eradicated such as: polio, small pox, measles, mumps, yellow fever, to name a few. We no longer have outbreaks of some of these diseases anymore due to the fact that we have vaccines. Measles however is making a comeback as more and more parents decide not to vaccinate their children.

I, having once been on the fence about having my children vaccinated, have come to the realization that the decision, no matter how much we want to think about our own children, is not just about our own children. I have come to the realization that it’s about everyone that we come into contact with.

Why? Because the last few months have not been kind.

I have a weakened immune system. I am not sure why, maybe it is directly due to me being diabetic, but even as a child, I always got sicker than other kids, and I caught everything. Since about the middle of July, I have caught almost every infection there is to catch except for pneumonia. I have had upper respiratory infections, sinus infections, ear infections, the flu, bronchitis that had me barking like a seal or dog which then in turn threw me into diabetic ketoacidosis.  I have found myself afraid to leave my house. Afraid to see people, afraid of having people touch me, afraid of what will happen when my kids get sick since I generally get everything they bring home but worse then they get it. I have a son who gets everything too. His immune system, even with the vaccinations, just has never been as strong as those of my other children.

Today I went to church and I’m usually a pretty social person, shaking people’s hands, giving and receiving hugs etc. And I couldn’t do it today. I tried to politely ask people not to hug me or touch me, and I declined to shake anyone’s hand because my anxiety level was so high about getting sick yet again that I couldn’t bring myself to do any of those things.

Now, I am stating right here and right now, that what I am about to say are just my opinions, from my own perspective.

I don’t have a terminal illness, I don’t have a disease where I live in a bubble and in seclusion for medical reasons. I just have a weakened immune system and I seem to catch everything that I get around. But what if I did have something more serious where catching something from someone could be life altering? I know that my anxiety level would certainly go up.

What about all the little babies and kids who have diseases where they shouldn’t or can’t be in contact with anyone who is sick? What if you knew that your child would have to be hospitalized every time they contracted a virus in order for them to fight the infection? Wouldn’t you want to know that they are safe because the people and children around them have taken precautions and have been vaccinated?

person getting his blood check
Photo by Pranidchakan Boonrom on Pexels.com


I know personally, that I can’t go up and ask everyone around me if they’ve been vaccinated or if they’ve had their flu vaccine. But knowing that people don’t get vaccinated either because they are just too busy and don’t have the time or by choice leaves me worried because if they are carrying something and I come into contact with them, even if they don’t get sick, I could.

Now we have the new corona virus–for which there is not a vaccine–which is spreading like wildfire, in the same way the diseases of our past used to spread but don’t anymore because of vaccines. There are plenty of communicable diseases that do not have vaccines, but you can protect not only yourself, but the people around you, those you love just by getting vaccinated for the diseases that do have vaccines.

Are vaccines perfect? No. I know and understand that vaccines are not perfect or always reliable. There will always be that select few people that have negative reactions to vaccines. As of right now, I am unaware of anything that would let people know beforehand whether they will react negatively to a vaccine or not. So in my opinion, I feel that it is better to err on the side of caution and be vaccinated than to worry about something that might happen but most likely won’t.

I also understand that people want to have control over their bodies and their children’s bodies. I just wish that everyone would consider the fact that when they choose to not vaccinate their children or themselves, they are not just affecting themselves or their family. They are affecting every single person that they come into contact with, known or unknown.

I know that I will probably upset people with this post, but this is my own…

Simple View.


Food Hangover…YES!!! It’s a Thing!!!

So, yesterday was my husband’s birthday.  I think that I did pretty well surprising him and taking him to see Shazam…even though I told him we were just going to Walmart, and then when we got to the theater I told him that we were seeing Us (which I knew he had no desire to see) until I gave him his ticket for Shazam.  All in all it was a great evening.

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com


I have discovered that I have absolutely no self-control or self-discipline when it comes to…duh duh duh….MOVIE THEATER POPCORN, smothered in butter.  Today?  I feel like UTTER poo-poo!!!!  Seriously!!!! The worst thing about it?  It’s not the first time!  Only this time it’s WAY worse.

food snack popcorn movie theater
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

You see, I grew up on popcorn.  Maybe not movie theater popcorn.  But popcorn was always considered one of those “healthy” snacks.  In fact, I have heard it called a “good” carb.

Let me tell ya’.  THERE ARE NO GOOD CARBS!!!

In fact, in Dr. Sarah Hallberg’s Ted Talk speech, she states that we don’t even NEED carbs to survive!!!  Why?  Because our body makes what we need from other foods we eat, such as protein.

Anyway, I knew that my sugar was going up and up because I could feel it.  I guess that’s what they mean by you can put your diabetes in remission, reverse it whatever, but if you go back to eating your old ways, it can definitely come back.  Me?  I’m still diabetic, even though my last A1C was a 6.4 which is technically pre-diabetic, I’m still on medications which are helping me to get there.  I won’t be in remission, or have completely reversed my diabetes until I can maintain a 5.5 A1C without the use of medications.  That is my goal.  That is my plan.  

After the movie we decided to go to Red Robin, (because of the bottomless sides, the fries are the most popular),  and I was GOOD.  I had a wedgie style burger, (burger wrapped in lettuce, but I also added all the veggies), and bottomless side salad with blue cheese.  And I gulped down like 3 glasses of water.  

It didn’t matter.  By the end of the night, I felt drunk.  When we got home and I checked my sugar…it was 246. 

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Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pexels.com

Ok.  I know, that for some of you 246 is normal, or not that high.  That’s the way it used to be for me.  If I was at a 246 I was a happy girl because that was low for me.  But now?  I’m used to running between 120 and 140.  So 246 is a miserable state for me to be in.  

I took my medications, I drank water and I went to bed.  

Only to wake up this morning feeling like,…well, like I spent the night out drinking tons of alcohol…and ending up with a hangover.  In fact, I honestly have that “I’m still drunk” feeling.  This morning, my sugar was 176…better, but still much higher than what my body is used to lately.  In fact, I still feel so bad that I can’t even drink my bulletproof coffee. How sad is that?

Was it worth it?  For my husband’s birthday, everything was worth it, EXCEPT the stupid movie theater popcorn.  

I just saw a video posted by Thomas DeLauer, that said “No more snacking”.  Don’t eat between your meals.  

Stop Eating Anything Between Meals

I guess, that’s what I’m going to have to do that (I don’t do that normally) when I go to the movies.  I am going to have to find the self-control and self-discipline to not indulge in that yummy, salty, buttery, (fake butter), warm popcorn.  And not eat.  Because let’s face it, movie theaters are NOT keto friendly.  

My plans for today?  Take my youngest son to school, come home, go to bed again for awhile, do a water fast until about 6, and hopefully throw some yoga in there.  

I’m proud to admit that I am on day 12 of 30 days of yoga with Adrienne on YouTube.  And I usually do a little more than just the one video.  I’m working towards camel pose and a headstand or sometimes I do a deep stretch yoga workout depending on how I’m feeling.  We shall see.

30 Days of Yoga With Adriene

woman doing yoga pose on pink yoga mat
Photo by Burst on Pexels.com

So my friends, if you are thinking about cheating on your new way of life, whether that be keto, paleo, DASH, vegan, whatever way of eating you are choosing to follow, think twice.  If you are adapted to that new way of eating…then the consequences of your cheat may not be pleasant…at all.  

And those are my simple thoughts for today.


Sickness Abounds!

Well, I haven’t been able to keep up with my blog this week.  Last week I ended up fighting off a bout of diverticulitis, yet again.  Although it was only my second time to have to fight off this problem, it was a little discouraging. I had just found out that I was going to have to start undergoing testing for possible breast cancer, while at the same time finding out that my health has drastically improved and most of the doctors I see are impressed with my progress.

I was conflicted.  I was having conflicting issues with my health, improvement in some areas, yet struggling in others.

I was frustrated because diverticulitis is so painful, one of the first things they do is put you on painkillers and for me, painkillers are a trigger for smoking.  So yes, I went there after 15 days of being smoke-free. I can’t even imagine trying to deal with diverticulitis without pain medicine, especially since they told me that mine was considered minor compared to how bad it can get.

I was frustrated because since I am uninsured I could not afford my medicine.  I needed to be on antibiotics and antinausea medication along with my pain medication and I had to wait four days before I could get onto one antibiotic and six full days before I could get the second.  Then on top of that, I was unable to get the anti-nausea medication because it’s stupidly expensive.

bunch of white oval medication tablets and white medication capsules
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com


I was tired and sick while still trying to get Rick to work in the morning and teach my Qkids classes and get Drew to school and just even make it through the day.

Needless to say, my blog suffered because of it.

Luckily, I have started to bullet journal, and I have been keeping track of a list of ideas that I have to write about.  I am excited about some of those posts and sharing the changes that have been going on in my life.

Wow, so this is a post that I didn’t finish. I guess I started it a month or a month and a half ago. Am I still smoking? Yes, unfortunately so. Do I plan to quit again? Definitely, I have the patches and am ready to go. I am preparing mentally for it and excited to get there again. 

My blog has suffered yet again, as the stomach bug has swept through my household like a plague. Ironically enough I had just had a conversation with someone about how ever since I started the keto diet that I hadn’t been sick with traditional illnesses, and then boom…I get hit with this stomach bug thing that my kids had. I did not, however, have it nearly as bad as they had, and this time sticking to keto was a little easier, although I do have to admit I did eat crackers. But it’s been mostly bone broth, Powerade Zero, and Sprite Zero and lots of sleep. 

Today is Friday and I am starting to feel much much better, a little tired and weak, but still better than the last few days. The stomach bug has yet to leave my house, but hopefully, I have seen the end of it.

Changes Are Happening!!!!

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Photo by Dom J on Pexels.com

I promise everyone that I am NOT neglecting this blog.  I am, however, playing a bit of catch up in several areas of my life.  

The first area is a new change that I am so excited about that it’s hard to keep the southern from coming out in my writing.  

I have started on a new adventure teaching for Qkids.  I teach kids in China how to speak English.  I really like it, a lot more than I thought that I would.  Today I had a class that was an absolute blast!!!! 

The next thing is, this blog is new to me, and it is definitely not where I need or want it to be, but I’m working on it.  I have a lot of old posts that I am re-reading and re-editing and trying to spruce up a bit and that is taking me a little time.  Yes, I do have new posts I am working on, especially when it comes to my keto page, but I’m doing a lot of research to finish those too.  It’s just s new big thing in my life.  

My other new thing is First 5 has started a new Bible study on the first half of the book of Psalms, but because I was sick for a few days I got behind at the very start and so now I am trying to catch up on that.  But I love it.  I am learning so much about the word of God and the teachers at First 5 put together some good commentaries on their app and the Bible study companions are awesome too, and hopefully, I will actually finish mine this time.  I’m only on chapter 5 of this amazing book of the Bible and I have already learned so much!!!!

And finally, school is about to begin where we live and there’s all kinds of excitement…(really? I think) not, but new routines getting put into practice in order to prepare for this new school year.  

This school year is especially special to me, as my oldest is going into his Senior year and my youngest is starting middle school, and my one and only beloved daughter is starting her Freshman year. I also have a son who is starting his Junior year, so I have THREE high schoolers!!!  Changes abound!!!!   

My hopes are that once all of the new routines are into place and I get caught up on some of these areas of my life, I will be back to writing, more than ever.  

It is an exciting time to be me!!!

casual cliffs enjoyment environment
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Seasons of Change

Yesterday was the 4th of July.  I will admit that I had been struggling with that a little bit.  You see, the 4th has always been our favorite holiday.  When we lived in Virginia Beach, we used to go to First Landing State Park for the holiday and spend the day swimming in the bay and watching the fireworks at night. 

Some of my fondest memories with my family are from those holidays spent chasing the crabs when they came out and sitting in the water while the fireworks went off. 



I remember the first year we went, my daughter, who is now 13, had just learned to walk and run.  She was following her older brothers as they ran after the crabs when the fireworks started and she screamed and turned and ran as fast as she could the other way, and she was so little that is was just hilarious.  

The next year, every time a firework went off she would scream “beautiful” and clap her hands.  

Every year the boys would race each other at night and try to catch the most crabs in their buckets, the problem with that is, crabs can climb out of those buckets. They would get so frustrated because they just couldn’t keep those darn crabs in the buckets and it was yet another great memory.

When we moved to Haysville, the entire week before the 4th the number of fireworks that went off was crazy but very enjoyable.  We used to float in the pool at night and watch the fireworks.  And on the 4th the activities lasted all day long, starting with the parade and the fishing derby, followed by the raft races and the entire afternoon spent at the city pool going down the slides and off the diving boards, followed by the super fun city fireworks.











But as our kids got older, they wanted to start going their separate ways.  My two oldest boys started going off with a friend for the holiday every year.  And then this year, the boys went off, my daughter was volunteering for a youth group fundraiser, and no one was interested in going to the celebration.  

So I wasn’t looking forward to the holiday this year.  It was making me fear that this would be what the future was going to look like with all of our kids going off on their own separate ways and leaving my husband and I to ourselves. 

But then I saw a tweet from Proverbs 31 ministries talking about being intentional when it comes to celebrating God’s miracles…and maybe the 4th of July isn’t exactly a miracle, but it is a time to celebrate, and just like being healthy, being in relationships, or doing anything sometimes we have to be intentional.  So I decided to be intentional and grateful.  I decided to change my perspective.

I was going to be grateful that we weren’t rushing around to get to all of the activities for the day while out in the heat and that we had a day to relax.  

We ended up being invited over to a friends house and I decided I would be grateful for that because I would be spending time with a friend and getting to have grown up talk.  And it ended up being a great time.  

And I decided that even though we weren’t going to the huge fireworks show that I would enjoy the fireworks that we did get to see, and I think deciding to do that made it all the more enjoyable and it ended up being a good holiday.  We weren’t completely exhausted at the end of the day and it was relaxing and fun.  

It just goes to show that I am at the beginning of a new season, a season of change.  A time when I am getting ready to move out of my complete parenting years to a life where my children aren’t the only things I have to do or take care of.  It’s a time when I start needing to find myself and what other purpose God has for me.  

Personally, I’m excited about this new season!  I can’t wait to get further into it to see what God has in store for me.  I’m looking forward to it!

“Life…Too Much To Describe”

Wow, I can’t believe that it has been so long since I have written on this blog.  I have wanted to be a blogger for quite some time, but there is this thing going on called life and sometimes it gets in the way of things.

LIFE. That’s such a big word or a small word and it can mean so many things.  Life is great, life is fun, life is boring, life is too busy…

Life. It happens to all of us and what I am learning is that I can either take it as it is, try to ignore it and move on, take what it hands me and try to make something positive of it, or try to take control of it.  I am still not quite sure what the best option is except that I am learning to respond and not react, although I am not perfect at it by a long shot.  There are just some situations that it is hard not to react to and this year has had quite a few of those situations.

We have had a lot to deal with in the past year or so.  We decided to move out of the apartment that we had been in for 7 years and try to find a bigger place.  That place happened to be a mobile home that had 4 bedrooms instead of 3, which had my oldest son over the moon, because for once in his life he did not have to share a room, and at the age of 16, he more or less felt that was a right more than a privilege. No sooner did we get moved in and there were problems, culminating in everyone getting pneumonia and the house being declared toxic.

How did I react to that?  Probably better than I had in the past.  I didn’t get really angry, I just decided to do something about it, but that didn’t work out so well for me.  Try living in a hotel room with 6 people, 3 of them teenagers for 3 weeks.  Talk about working on patience and trying to respond instead of reacting.

We finally did find a new place to live and although it only has 3 bedrooms it is definitely bigger.  I actually really like it here, but there were still things that happened…such as sitting behind my steering wheel sobbing because of my brakes going out before my husband got to fix them and crashing into my house. I guess I didn’t handle that so well.

Then there was my reaction to someone breaking into my van and not only going through it and stealing stuff like normal but actually egging it, on the inside. So there were eggshells and everything all over the interior of the van.  My reaction??? I posted something on Facebook that turned into a major thing, like a MAJOR thing.  I didn’t respond to that situation, I reacted, and I reacted badly and I said some things that came back to bite me in the butt.

Not long after that, I was carjacked, in my own driveway none the less.  My husband’s great little Chevy Cobalt was taken, and I was threatened with an assault rifle, which I later found out was most likely a BB gun. But I was held at gunpoint, told to turn and kneel in my driveway facing my house, which I wasn’t about to do because my boys were sleeping just on the other side of that wall. So when he told me to give him my phone, I threw it at him and ran into the house screaming.  So that turned into a whole ordeal with me ending up in the hospital with a panic attack.  Apparently, I did not handle that situation well either.

A week later, a bullet went through our walls.  Yes, walls. It came through the outside wall over my eldest son’s bed, and dropped and went through the next wall, barely missing my second eldest son by inches into the living room and we found the slug between our sofa and piano.  Of course in this situation, the first thing I did was grab my gun. This of course turned into yet another ordeal.

We have learned lessons.  We have been angry, we have been depressed, we have been overjoyed by people who have loved us through it all.  More of life has happened to us, but that’s life.  I guess what I am saying is that in this period of my life, I am learning, not perfectly, but working on and learning that how I respond to any given situation is more important than the situation itself. I am also learning, that I am not perfect, nor will I ever be perfect and it’s o.k. when I mess up, because I have a God who loves me in spite of my flaws and my failures, and if I hold on to all of my mistakes then I turn into one miserable person.

This has been my life for the past year.  I’ve learned, I’ve made mistakes, I’ve made people angry, I’ve had people stand beside me. It’s been a year of lessons and growth and LIFE.  I hope that in the future, I continue to change for the better and can be an example to my family and that hopefully, knock on wood, we don’t have another year that is as crazy as this last one has been.

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Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels.com

Bullying Is A Family Affair

Bullying is most definitely a family affair. It affects everyone. Whether just the pain of watching a child suffer, worrying over their safety, seeing their anger and frustration spill over onto siblings, or the bullies picking on more than one child. Sleepless nights. Crowded beds. Feeling helpless and like no one cares.

When a child is bullied it affects every single member of that family. It hurts. It causes anger and stress which affects the atmosphere of the home.

And in our state, unless the bully/bullies commit an actual crime, the police can’t help.

Unless our child reports the incidents, the school won’t help. Which, last time, the reporting just made everything worse.

My child doesn’t sleep. Mornings are battles. The amount of stress, frustration, and confusion of what to do and how to handle it… Is sometimes more than we can bear.

adult alone black and white blur
Photo by Kat Jayne on Pexels.com

My heart hurts for my child. And the fear! Fear of what could happen, physical harm to top off the mental and emotional harm already done. Suicide, which happens all too often.

As a mother, I hurt.

I cry for my child.

I hold her when she cries and doesn’t want to go to school. I get angry when she doesn’t tell me why she’s so upset and won’t go. I get furious when I hear words like whore and bitch and threats of bodily harm.

Yet, I can’t fix it. And no one will. Not the school, not the police.

Something needs to change. Something is seriously wrong with our country and our world. Something needs to happen.

We are talking about transferring to another school, which brings on more fear and anxiety.

The kids are starting in on other family members. They stand in front of our home. They bang on our door and yell through our windows. They follow her everywhere.

Yet no one helps.

What to do?

I thought I had more to say, but words fail me.

Bullying hurts families.

And that’s my simple view.

UPDATE: I would like to say that all was well after I originally wrote this post, unfortunately for us, it got worse before it got better.  We have since moved. Things have changed, things are better. And I thank God for that.

Parenting and Mental Health

There is always a lot of controversy when it comes to the issue of mental health, especially in children and even more so in the Christian community.  And I, as a mother and a person who lives with chronic depressive disorder, do not even know the half of it. But what I do know is that mental health has to be taken seriously. Mental health has the ability to destroy and damage relationships, families, self-esteem and so much more.

I am a parent.  I have 4 children, 3 of which have a diagnosis of some sort.  Some of those diagnosis change, some of those stay the same.  Some people say they don’t see a problem, while others seem to look at us like what must be wrong with that family.  We have had diagnosis ranging from simple ADHD, to ODD, to bi-polar, to early onset schizophrenia, to the newest and latest diagnosis for children, DMDD. Are all those diagnoses right?  Maybe, maybe not.

Here is what I know.  As a parent, you know when your children’s behavior is normal or not.  As a parent, you try to help your kids in any way that you can, even when that help doesn’t seem to be working.  And as a parent, having children who have emotional or mental health issues can be devastating in so many different ways.

Another thing I know is that having children who struggle, whether emotionally or mentally, or who behave in ways that are extreme or out of the ordinary is exhausting and lonely.  

Because the truth of the matter is, most people don’t understand.  

Most people don’t know what it takes sometimes just to get your kids up and out the door in the morning.  Most people don’t deal with kids who don’t want to go to school for whatever that reason is that day, no matter how irrational it may sound to us.  Most people don’t deal with children who throw tantrums that make them seem much younger than their actual age.  Most people don’t understand the difficulties when your child is already struggling with an issue like those above, how they are singled out by their peers and instead of just having to deal with their own emotional and mental problems, how they now have to deal with the bullying that accompanies those problems.

Most people don’t understand.

So what do we do?  We hide.

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Photo by Rene Asmussen on Pexels.com


I think that parents who have kids who struggle with emotional problems are probably the best at hiding, until we are not.  There has always been such stigma when it comes to emotional/mental health issues.  And those of us that deal with that on a daily basis are afraid, and even those of us that try to work with schools and teachers, and mental health organizations, still hide.  

Because the truth of the matter is, (and I know that I will probably anger some people out there) when you have a child that consistently behaves in a manner that is overly aggressive, overly disrespectful, overly emotional, shuts down, refuses to comply, over-reacts to relatively simple situations, there is always the question about what mistakes the parents have made.  There is always, some kind of judgment.

It doesn’t matter if you have Drs. or therapists, or counselors telling you that you didn’t do anything to cause the problem.  There is always guilt.  Whether you have tried coping skills, Love and Logic, calm parenting, angry parenting, compassionate parenting, sympathetic parenting, drill sergeant parent, or even throw your hands up in the air and give up parenting, there are some kids out there where NOTHING works.  It is a heartbreaking, exhausting cycle, leaving one feeling depleted, helpless and overwhelmed.

Then let’s add on to that, the mental health appointments, the medication checks, the therapy sessions, the IEP’s, the 504’s, the endless phone calls, the attendant care, and the respite care and the group care, and all that goes with all of those appointments.  Add to that all the medications that either work or don’t, and then the search for alternatives, either different medications or therapies.  Then add the hospitalizations, that DO happen and the heartache that those cause, not to mention the changes in school plans etc.  

Someone who does not live this life, simply can not understand.

So there is a new diagnosis out there.  DMDD, or disruptive mood dis-regulatory disorder.  Yes, that is a mouthful.  And there is already controversy about this new diagnosis, especially with the parameters that have been set for it.  There are people who say that psychologists are just trying to fill in a gap, or just add a new disorder so they can once again over medicate.  But in my heart, I want to believe that these people are truly trying to help these children who live these lives in which their emotions are out of control and inconsistent with what is really going on in their lives.

Do I know all the answers?  Not even close.  Do I know half of the answers, not even close.  But I have to believe that sometime, somewhere, something will happen that will help.   

Because I am a parent who lives this life.  I have seen so many sides to it.  And it isn’t always bad.  When you see a child make great strides and big changes and improvements, there is hope and it’s exciting.  Yet, there is still fear that something will happen and there will be a setback, and those happen too.

So what is the point of this blog?  I honestly don’t know.  Maybe to inform.  Maybe to ask for less judgment.  Just like between mothers who constantly compare and judge each other when they have “normal” children.  We are still mothers, and fathers, and our children are still our children and just because they struggle more with emotional and mental health issues doesn’t mean that we still aren’t trying to do our best as parents, or that our kids don’t know that they are different.  Because they do, even if they don’t understand why.

There needs to be more compassion in the world.  Not just for these issues, but all those who face similar ones.  Parenting is hard, no matter what issues you are dealing with, but sometimes, some parents have it a little harder, could use a little more understanding, and maybe even a little more support.

But that’s just my own simple view.

hands people friends communication
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Morning Thoughts

Today is a Monday.  Boo.  Sometimes Mondays can be really hard.  Back to the same old schedule every day.  Sometimes I think life is too full of schedules and routines to be fully enjoyed.  LOL!!!!  Sometimes I think there aren’t enough schedules and routines for life to be fully enjoyed.  Usually, Monday ends up for me being a day to start the week over again, get back into a routine, but more often than not, a day to “recover” from a busy weekend.  

Every day of the week, I get up and get my four kids ready for school, with the help of my husband. I take three of them to school, take my husband to work, and then come home for about an hour of peace before it will be time to pick up my youngest son from Pre-K. I have discovered that my drive time alone has become a time when I think a lot about my life, pray, try to understand what is happening and why…it is a time of deep reflection for me.  

I started this blog sometime last year due to the encouragement of someone close to me, and like so many things in my life I started all gung-ho and then tapered off until my entries are so few and so far between and why?  Life.  There have been many times in which I have thought that I had something of worth to say or write down, but…LIFE!  

This started me thinking not only about this blog, but so many things in my life, especially my spiritual walk.  Those thoughts this morning about my spiritual walk is what made me decide to get on the ball and write something down.  

I grew up going to church.  In fact, when I was a young child, I couldn’t imagine life without going to church every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. Nothing was ever scheduled on those nights because church was the priority. Then LIFE happened.  

ancient architecture blue sky building
Photo by Emily Hopper on Pexels.com


I went through a phase where I never attended church.  I never wanted to attend church. I refused to be called a Christian because I didn’t want to be seen as a hypocrite, as I viewed so many of the people who attended church to be.  Then once again, it happened…LIFE.  

I got involved in church again and loved it, but not for what I was supposed to love it for, but for the wrong things.

Then, once again, LIFE happened, and I found myself, disillusioned, disappointed and angry at God. I spent years drowning in the midst of anger and bitterness and shaking my fist at Him.  I tried to turn my back on Him and live as if He didn’t exist. And that’s when it hit me, this thought in my head that clarified so much for me personally.  “How can I act like God doesn’t exist while at the same time being so angry with Him?” Obviously, you can’t be angry with someone who doesn’t exist!

So where do I go from here?

It was this realization that made me understand that my belief in God and His existence was ingrained so deeply within my soul, that I COULD NOT turn my back on Him.  Not completely.  I couldn’t cut Him out of my life and pretend He wasn’t there, because He WAS. So I could spend all my time being angry with Him, fighting Him and being miserable, or I could just get back on the track, get “with the program” and start figuring out how to live WITH Him in my life because he obviously wasn’t going anywhere. I just hadn’t seen Him.  I had been looking for Him in all of the wrong places and in all of the wrong things.  I started to realize that when you look for God in people you will always be hurt and disappointed because people are fallible,

I had to break down and come to a place where it was just me and Him.  With no one in between.  This is where I believe my spiritual walk truly began.  My true life journey with Christ.  It still took some years before I believe I ever really understood what walking with Him daily truly was before I could comprehend deeply what it means to live and walk in the spirit and let Him guide me.  And believe me, it’s been a journey and one that is far from completion.

I stray.  

I fall.  

I get distracted.  

LIFE happens.

We all know what LIFE is…those times when you feel like it’s going well and you are getting a handle on everything and then LIFE steps in.  You lose a job, a pregnancy, a home.  You find out that you have one disease, possibly another and then maybe even another.  Your child has a simple surgery and ends up being sick and in the hospital. You’re sick, tired, and overwhelmed with everything being thrown at you.

This is me, and this describes some of the things I’ve dealt with over the years and even the last few months.  I find that where I am now in my journey is so much better than where I was years, even months ago.  

I don’t stray as far away from the path.  I don’t want to get off the path and go my own direction anymore.

Yes, LIFE happens, and I allow distractions to get in the way of my view of the path and the way God that leads me, but I find now that I am more anxious than ever to get back on the path.  

I am nowhere near a perfect Christian, not anywhere close to being the person that I desire to be.  But I have started to discover and understand a little better what walking in the spirit and walking with Christ means daily.  What I do not understand, is how easy it is for me to get distracted from that.  

When I am walking closely with God and working to depend on Him and be in His presence daily (yes, I did say working, it doesn’t come naturally) I find that I have more joy, stronger faith, more patience.  Little things don’t bother me as much.  I feel like I have the strength to face any challenge that comes my way. I am happy. Something that has never been easy for me at all!!!

close up view of text on wood at home
Photo by Inna Lesyk on Pexels.com

When I get distracted, my problems drown out everything.  I stop working to be close to Him.  I become irritable, frustrated easily, and unmotivated.  Even though I long to get back to where I was,  I doubt my faith.  I get tired and don’t want to move.  So where is God when this happens?  And why does it happen?

I picture it like this in my mind.  

Life is like a long winding road that goes on so far I can’t see the end.  It goes through deserts, it goes through forests, it goes through plains and meadows and up hills and down in valleys, through rocky terrain and clear easy paths.  Jesus is walking with me every step of the way but sometimes I get ahead of Him.  Other times something else entices me to go in a different direction.  Sometimes, something is in my way, it trips me up and I fall flat on my face.  Sometimes I get lost in the trees and lose sight of Him. Sometimes I just need a rest.  

Like a child going on a walk with their parent. There is that moment when I want to go no further, not backward, not forward,  and like a parent, sometimes Jesus has to wait for me to get through my fatigue, anger, fears etc. He never leaves my side, but like I have to do with my own kids sometimes, I have to let them get through it and then I can deal with them.  

So He stays with me and waits, and unlike me and my own children, He doesn’t lose patience, and He doesn’t get angry. Sometimes there are the times when I can’t get through it and He just picks me up and carries me like I would with my children. When I can see straight, through all my fears and feelings once again, He’s the first thing I see and  I can stand up and start the journey all over again. 

light road landscape nature
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Do I like this process?  Several years ago I probably would have said something like “I don’t really care”.  A year ago?  Two years ago?  I could have honestly said that it frustrated me. Now?  I don’t like it at all!!!!

If I could have my way, I would keep with Jesus every step of the way!!!  I would never get tired.  I would never get frustrated.  I would never get distracted and lose sight of him, but that’s LIFE!!!  That’s why it’s called a journey!!!  

Because despite all of the things that happen that cause me to lose sight of Him, it draws me closer to Him.

Each time I stray a little less.  Each time I fall a little shorter.  Each time I’m lost for less time.  

I find myself looking up faster, calling to Him quicker, and leaning on Him more.  

I find that I’m not as bold to explore on my own down the path because I want to be with Him.  I want to learn what He has to say and to see what He has to show me.  I want to be with Him because He makes the whole journey easier and worthwhile.  He can show me things I would have missed without Him by my side.  He can help me understand more. He can keep me safe from the darkness.  He can shield me from harm.  

I AM still going to get tired, I AM still going to fall, and I AM still going to get distracted because I am human and because that is life and those things happen. But each time, it reminds me that I can stay closer to Him longer and that He will never leave my side and that in itself strengthens my faith.  My acceptance of these very facts is proof to me that the journey is already worth it! 

So these are the thoughts that were on my mind this morning.  I have to admit, I’ve been in an area of my journey where maybe He has been carrying me for awhile.  I have been distracted and LIFE has happened. But I’m ready to get up and get moving and get back on the path.  I hope that I can stay on it a little longer this time, be a little stronger and not fall flat on my face for awhile.  

nature red forest leaves
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com


Sometimes, there are just days in which all of the challenges in life seem to be overpowering.  Sometimes there are days while dealing with all of the challenges I forget where my focus should be.  Sometimes there are days where I just want to give in, days when my body says “that’s it, I quit” and where my mind is too weary to think clearly.

I am sad to admit that today has been one of those days.  

In the past, if I had given in to my weariness, I would have spent the evening or day beating myself up about how horrible I had been.  While I am not proud of the fact that I gave in to myself and what my body was telling me, I am beginning to accept myself as being HUMAN more and more. I am realizing that as long as I am not living in that depressive state of never leaving my bed or the couch for days at a time, and while I am making improvements in my life daily, that I am NOT superwoman. (As much as we mothers tend to try to make ourselves so.) 

Sometimes it IS in my best interest and the interest of my family if I listen to my body and the weariness of my mind and rest.

Over the last few months, I have been learning a few things; things that I desperately CLING to on certain days, even if it seems to be by the last thread.

  • 1.  Just because I can’t do EVERYTHING, even if I try, does NOT mean I am a failure or a loser, I am human!
  • 2.  Sometimes I have to work hard to just accept that it’s not possible to do everything and sometimes it’s best not to try to do it all for the sake of others.
    *I tend to (when I am focused on getting EVERYTHING done that needs to be done) forget to focus on the personal needs of my family because I’m so into doing stuff that I end up walking over everyone’s feelings.
  • 3.  I’m learning to try to focus on the things that will have an eternal impact and bring closeness and joy to my family, but I admit, I’m still not very good at it.  It’s something that I still need to pray a lot about.
  • 4.  Probably the hardest one of all is that as much as I want to change and control my family and create what my image of the perfect family is, I can only change myself and my own reactions.
  • 5.  Last and not least, I HAVE to take care of myself.  I am beginning to understand that this fact is NOT selfish.  

I used to think that by having needs of my own meant I was being selfish.  But what I am finding is that NOT taking care of myself is selfish because then I am unable to be there and care for my family because then I am frustrated and angry and overly emotional. ‘

When I take time to take care of myself, exercise, eat right, take vitamins, shower, try to look nice, REST when needed, and most importantly pray and spend time with God, I am not being selfish because I am putting myself in a mindset, physically and mentally where I am more patient, feel better, and can deal with situations in a better manner than I would if I didn’t take the time to care for myself.

I’m sure many of you reading this have probably heard it all before.  But my intent is not to preach or teach anything.  I’m just writing what I learn and how it affects my life, mostly as a reminder to myself that I am learning and I am changing.  Once again though, I will be the first to admit that even with everything I learn and am learning, I don’t always adhere to it.  Sometimes I still tend to forget all of the above. Sometimes I tend to let life get the best of me.

But…I am also learning that every morning is brand new!  It’s fresh, like a blank sheet of paper.  There is nothing written on it yet and I can choose to continue my bad day or I can look forward to the next day knowing I can start over.

My challenges lately are trying me a little more than they have for the past few months. Yesterday the brakes went out on our car. Yesterday my kitchen sink started to leak all over the floor.  Yesterday I was exhausted from getting very little sleep due to dealing with a sick child and a sick husband.  (My child was vomiting all night and my husband was snoring more loudly than normal due to congestion.) Yesterday I made the decision that since my husband was home in the morning and I wouldn’t be driving the car that I would exercise double the amount of time I normally would.  A decision I now regret, since I did it on a day that I had maybe 2 hours of sleep if even that!  

You see, my focus was off.  I got more focused on losing weight and doing that, than keeping my focus on God and being balanced.  Because of that decision, my body decided enough was enough!

My weariness is also coming from challenges with my children.  My oldest two children are boys and both of them are diagnosed with ADHD.  One of them is also diagnosed with depressive disorder, and the other one of them is diagnosed with ODD.  For anyone who does not know what ODD is here is the definition: 

“ODD is a behavior disorder, usually diagnosed in childhood, that is characterized by uncooperative, defiant, negativistic, irritable, and annoying behaviors toward parents, peers, teachers, and other authority figures. Children and adolescents with ODD are more distressing or troubling to others than they are distressed or troubled themselves.”

Oppositional Defiant Disorder


Symptoms of ODD may include:

  • Having frequent temper tantrums
  • Arguing a lot with adults
  • Refusing to do what an adult asks
  • Always questioning rules and refusing to follow rules
  • Doing things to annoy or upset others, including adults
  • Blaming others for the child’s own misbehaviors or mistakes
  • Being easily annoyed by others
  • Often having an angry attitude
  • Speaking harshly or unkindly
  • Seeking revenge or being vindictive

This is what I deal with on a day to day basis, but add ADHD into the mix and another child with ADHD and depressive disorder and sometimes the challenges of my life are more than I can handle.  

The one is constantly annoying and picking on the other and the other responds with name calling, hitting, yelling screaming, then all-out war follows with pounding on walls, knocking down chairs, throwing stuff etc.  I am not saying that it’s always that bad, but sometimes it is much worse.  And there is still some question as to whether or not my ODD child has bipolar disorder also.

Being honest about disorders like this is hard sometimes because just like depression, there is a lot of misunderstanding.  You hear a lot of talk about parenting and while I admit I have made HUGE mistakes in that area, it’s not all about parenting.  Even with the improvements I have made in my parenting, even with the change in attitude in myself and praying and asking for more wisdom and strength and compassion, which the Lord has answered and given me in spades, it is still a daily struggle.  We tend to go through mood swings quite frequently.

In the past couple of weeks alone I have dealt with having my child put in ISS, (requesting it myself due to an agreement I had with teachers/my child and the principal) shoplifting, lying, missing curfew, fighting, name-calling, misbehavior on the bus, refusal to take medication, temper tantrums with chairs being knocked over, beating on walls, and constant bossiness and subsequent fighting.

Why is it so hard?  Because with these disorders you can look at your child and see a perfectly normal healthy looking child.  They have days in which they are so loving and affectionate and caring. You hear and see them go above and beyond in some things and you forget.  

Then their mood swings or you forget meds for a day and behaviors change, yet you still forget.  At least I do.  

I forget that with ADHD there isn’t a filter on what comes out of their mouths all of the time and if there is, it’s because they have to work extremely hard to control what they say.  I tend to forget that as my son’s main authority figure we are going to go head to head more often than is normal. 

I am learning to quickly remove myself from the situation because anything else causes further argument but sometimes I even forget to do that.  

Praise God that I have so much more control over my own temper, even though I am not perfect, I am much improved and that helps a lot!

I look at my children and they are so smart and have so much potential that sometimes it’s hard to remember and accept the fact that this will be lifelong for them, for us.  I tend to forget this and admit that sometimes I resent that I have to work doubly hard and will for a long time.  But they’re my kids and I love them!! They take a piece of me with them every time they leave. And I believe it’s my job to raise Godly, responsible adults no matter what problems they have.

How do I know that my kids have not been misdiagnosed?  How can I go along with all the meds and therapies and groups?  

When our boys were little, everywhere we went we were complimented on how well-mannered and well-behaved they were.  From the time they were old enough to understand my husband and I worked on manners and respect and what we expected of them.  We didn’t have any problems.

Once they entered school they couldn’t sit still, stay in their chairs, they were jittery and nervous. They threw objects, were physically aggressive and behaved in ways that we had never seen before so we knew there were problems.

The other thing is, there is a history of mental illness in my family, not to mention my own depressive disorder and on my husband’s side, there is ADHD.  We have tried alternatives, like diet and some homeopathic remedies, but their behavior just got worse.  

They only started getting better once we got them into a program that worked with their social skills, behavior, self-control and got them on medications.  Granted it took some trial and error, but when a medication works, it WORKS.  And when it doesn’t, it really doesn’t.

We have been fortunate to have had everything more or less under control for about a year now.  But we are in a touchy phase.  And I admit the stress has gotten to me the last couple of days.  But I am learning to be grateful for it all…because it forces me to rely on God.  

It forces me to remember where my focus really needs to be at ALL times, because since I am human and as much as I am learning and as much as I am falling in love with God, I still tend to have days where I forget to focus on Him and the consequences are not pretty.

These issues remind me that He is the only way I can live this life because I have seen the proof, I have seen the answers to prayer, I have seen how when I am covering them in prayer daily how their behavior issues are so much less!  I have lived in darkness and I know that on my own I am powerless to fight the battle.

I may have bad days, but I have peace in my heart that has never been there before. I have joy that is rooted deep within me that I never knew.  I may find myself going down or getting depressed but I am never in darkness anymore and I am never alone.

I am accepting the fact that I may make mistakes and have faults, but those mistakes and faults don’t define me.  

Who I am in Christ Jesus defines me.  

And that gives me hope.  

When you live a life in darkness and believe all of the lies that depression feeds you, there is no hope.  

But when you choose to live a life in Christ and believe His words are your truth, then there is hope.  

I know this because I have lived it.  I continue to live it every day.  Sometimes it’s a minute by minute process.  But it’s my life and I don’t want to ever look back. With the hope, peace, and joy that I have found, I hope to help my children.  

I can not make their decisions for them, but I can love them, change myself, pray for them and trust in God to help them.  As my faith deepens and my trust and love for Him grows, I can and will entrust them more and more to Him.  I can rely on Him for strength and wisdom, courage and compassion and know that He will answer me…because He already has.

Psalms 62:5 NIV
     Yes, my soul, find rest in God:
My hope comes from Him.   
Colossians 1:13 NIV
     For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves,